Despega con el programa Asteroides de Microsoft Azure!
Through this program, we will provide you with the necessary tools to implement custom AI solutions to meet the needs of your clients.
With Azure OpenAI, companies can harness the power of artificial intelligence to enhance operational efficiency, increase productivity, and improve the customer experience.
Furthermore, Azure OpenAI is compatible with a wide range of programming languages, making it easier to integrate into existing systems.
Main Objectives:
Application Modernization.
Optimize your processes with task automation
Detect errors, analyze them automatically, and improve software quality.
Te contamos el paso-a-paso del programa Asteroides
In this first step, we will learn exactly what your solution does and which processes you expect to enhance.
Architecture Evaluation
Through our Microsoft Azure experts, we will assess the architecture of your solution.
Project Kick-off
The brand experts will provide you with consultancy on Azure products and services that you can implement to add “asteroids” to your solution!
POC Start
The Intcomex team will allocate credits for the implementation process of the proof of concept.
Proof of Concept
Get ready for the deployment of the new services, hand in hand with the Intcomex advisory team.
Inicio POC
El equipo de Intcomex te asignará créditos para el proceso de implementación de la prueba de concepto.
Prueba de concepto
Prepárate para el despliegue de los nuevos servicios, de la mano del equipo de asesores de Intcomex.
¿Cuáles son los requisitos y
los beneficios del programa?
Minimum monthly Azure consumption in ICP of USD 200.
Dedicated resource(s) for program execution and monitoring
1. Guidance from our Microsoft Azure experts for process optimization using AI.
2. Consultancy hours for the implementation of these improvements.
3. Proof of concept credits.
4. Access to specialized training paths on Microsoft Azure products and services that are beneficial for development.
If you want to learn more about Intcomex Cloud services, click on the button:
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